Penelope is committed to sharing the knowledge and experience she has accumulated over forty years to benefit future generations.
Her major new book, The Complete Pianist: from healthy technique to natural artistry, was published by Peters Edition to great critical acclaim in February 2020. It offers a new and unique approach to piano playing. Containing more than 500 pages of text, 300 videos performed by Penelope herself, and 250 newly-devised exercises, this is the most comprehensive book ever written on piano playing.
The Essential Guide to Healthy Piano Playing is available through the Online Academy
The Art of Piano Fingering (published in 1996) has become acknowledged as a standard text on the subject of fingering.
Penelope’s Yoga for Musicians (published in 2004) is currently available both as a DVD and online through the Online Academy.
Penelope Roskell’s The Beginners technique book and The Technique book for advancing pianists will become available during the coming year.
Penelope also writes articles for music magazines, including Piano Professional, Piano Magazine, Pianist Magazine and Music Teacher.
Read more about Penelope’s books here.