Certification in the Roskell Method

in the Roskell Method

Teachers of Elementary and
Intermediate Level Students
(Beginner to Grade 6)
Completion Requirements

Minimum pre-requirements

An understanding of the basic principles explained in The Complete Pianist and Essential Piano Technique Series.

a) Completion of at least ONE of the following courses:

  1. ‘Teaching healthy, expressive piano technique’ Online Course 
  2. ‘Foundations in Piano Technique’ Online Course
  3. An equivalent 1 day Essential Piano Technique live workshop with Penelope

b) Teaching at least three students, at least one at beginner level, and another at intermediate level

To be submitted in advance:

 1. Three written case studies (of approx. 500-1000 words each)  of students of contrasting age/level/learning style who you have taught using some of the Roskell technique methods and material from the Essential Piano Technique series.  Must include one beginner student and one intermediate.

Please note that these case studies will be assessed on the quality of the ideas expressed, not on accurate use of English language. 

  1. Name of student (can be a pseudonym)
  2. Age of student
  3. Level
  4. How long have you taught the student for?
  5. What were the student’s main difficulties?
  6. What additional material did you use? Eg tutors/ method books, theory books or repertoire
  7. Which exercises did you find most useful for this student? And why?
  8. Which exercises did they find most difficult? Why do you think that was?  Did you manage to resolve those difficulties?  If not, how do you plan to work on these techniques in the future?
  9. How did you put these techniques into practice in a musical context? Did the exercises benefit the student musically as well as technically?
  10. Did the student enjoy working on the techniques?
  11. Did the student give a performance or enter an exam? Were they pleased with their performance?
  12. What might you achieve better next time?

 2. A video recording (preferably in English, French or Italian) of part of two lessons  – one at beginner level, the other of intermediate level – showing you teaching relevant technique (approx. ten minutes).

3. Short video recordings of two students playing pieces discussed in your case studies (one beginner, one intermediate, maximum 7 minutes total)

The video recordings must be uploaded at least as a private video to YouTube. Please ensure that you have written and signed consent from the adult student or parent/guardian for under 18s to use the video for this purpose. Public videos are also accepted but please ensure you have the necessary additional consent. For guidance on uploading videos to YouTube please click here. If you need additional help please contact [email protected]. You will need to provide links to the recordings. 

4. Evidence of advanced performance qualifications (Associate Level or above) or a recorded video performance by you of a piece of Associate or equivalent level (up to about five minutes)

The Assessment:

A 40 minute online live Interview with Penelope Roskell

You will be asked to:

  1. Demonstrate teaching three exercises chosen at random from the Essential Piano Technique books  or from The Complete Pianist.   
  2. Answer questions on aspects of teaching (at beginners or intermediate level) discussed in the online course ’Teaching Healthy expressive piano technique’ and in your case studies.

Candidates will be expected to have print copies or access to online copies of each Essential Piano Technique book and The Complete Pianist available during the interview.

The online assessment with Penelope can take place at any time, at a date and time to suit both (at least one month’s notice is required).  Recordings will need to be submitted at least one week prior to the assessment date.


On successful completion of this assessment, you will receive a feedback report and a Certificate confirming your qualification to teach the Roskell method at beginner and intermediate level.  

Your name and contact details will be include in Penelope’s public list of approved piano teachers for the specified level. 


Fee for assessment: £150


On successful completion of this assessment, you will receive a feedback report and a Certificate confirming your qualification to teach the Roskell method at Elementary and Intermediate level.  

Your name and contact details will be include in Penelope’s public list of Certified piano teachers for the specified level.

A digital Certification Logo with your name and Certification Level will be provided for you to use on your website/in marketing as you wish.

You will receive exclusive discounts for future Roskell Academy Events and Courses.

Fee for assessment: £150

Enquire About Certification

Certification Enquiry